Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Comedy - Take it or laugh at it

We TRY to laugh sometimes, casually,with or without purpose even if we are not happy.We TRY to change our mood to avoid or surpass daily or prospective pressures,tensions or anxieties.
Well its not funny at all.
What if we TRY to be happy and then laugh;may be ur laugh will be converted into a sweet smile most of the times.
It takes nothing,just keeps you cool.
One of the best way is to watch some comedy serial,movie,event etc.
Personally I enjoy watching sarabhai vs sarabhai or movies like Haseena maan jayegi.(nothing bad in watching Govinda movies,aleast he tries to make u laugh and bring smile.)
Keep Patience,Keep Smiling
Live life and dont just "TRY"

1 comment:

  1. Sirjii kya baat he... Its always gr8 if u hav some contributions in improving the blood count of some1 either by blood donation or simply making them laugh ... make dem laugh their heart out :)
